NDG 2019
NDG 2019 took place in Sirdal municipailty, on Tjørhomfjellet. It is in the Southern part of Norway, not so far away from Stavanger. Tjørhomfjellet offers many hiking possibilities for restless dragons and we also had access to a lake with boat.
Our planned excursions this year:
- Excursion to Stavanger
- Hiking in the aerea of the cabin
- Hiking to Preikestolen
Sunday 14th July, 1st day
Once again, we set a new record for how many dragons could fit in our small house and after a nights sleep piled upon each other, we set off to the NDG 2019 cabin, in Sirdal. The trip there was smooth, with a late lunch at a cafe along the way. Once arrived, everyone picked a room and we had our initial information meeting. The evening ended with a meal of mini-pizzas with everyone choosing their own ingredients.
Monday 15th July
First full day at the cabin. Everyone settled in properly and started digging into the massive amount of candy and treats brought with by the participant. The first round of grocery shopping was done, so that we would have food for the following days. Dragons had brought with them a range of video games and started playing together or competing, using the cabin's TV. By evening, the hot tub had been set up and some went to enjoy a soak after enjoying a dinner of Lapskaus.
Tuesday 16th July
Tuesday saw us going to stavanger. After an hour and a half of driving, with the occasional interruption caused by sheep on the road, we reached "Sverd i Fjell", a historic site commemorating the Battle of Hafrsfjord. There we spent half an hour looking around and taking photos. Then after another short drive, we reached Stavanger itself. There, we split up, letting everyone explore, eat lunch at their own leisure. Eventually we regrouped in the evening to eat dinner at an American diner style restaurant before making our way back to the cabin.
Wednesday 17th July
The rest day was spent with yet more entertainment and chatting, catching up with each other and some of us went for a smaller hike in the area around the cabin and around the lake. We ended the day with Taco and everyone went to bed somewhat early in anticipation for the next day.
Thursday 18th July
The hike to Preikestolen started with a whole morning of driving. We arrived at Preikestolen Fjellstue will in time for lunch, after which we set off for the hike. Some dragons who couldn't join the hike itself stayed behind for another afternoon of chatting. Everyone else climbed up to Preikestolen, which was a fairly straightforward climb. After returning to Preikestolen Fjellstue, we all had dinner there before setting off on the long drive back to the cabin.
Friday 19th July
The last day at the cabin was spent recovering from the hike and trying to slay the mountain of candy still remaining. This turned out to not be so successful and so Etath and NTTS would be left with much of it to eat over the following months. The day ended with a barbecue.
Saturday 20th July
Once again, Saturday was the day we drove back after ensurring we left the cabin in a decent state. After a day of driving, including a short break along the road for lunch, we were back to where we started, wrapping up NDG 2019 with some new great memories and looking forward to the next one.